
Go Big Lexi

Go Big Lexi


画像 投稿 いいね数 総再生回数
MJKUgujLpK0 How black bitches drive when they song come on #bitchesbelike 🚘 89,286 6,630,310
MDQaBr3E1OV #GoLilStacy they got us doing this in church 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #AreYouSerious these folks turnt up 57,675 4,992,975
MTehuHOOYl1 Ghettos bitches hear this in the club with they bitches and ready to beat some shit 😂😂😂 #gobiglexi 37,477 1,652,795
hUMrHO7ZKxh Bounce dance 😂😂😂😂#gobiglexi 29,187 155,951
M0LMrZzPm3Z 😂😂😂😂 BackSeat Bitches Be Like #gobiglexi 24,872 1,363,967
h0WTggwi9li Slide MOVE 😂😂😂 #gobiglexi 18,193 122,872
MUqAXU9ldVh How bitches pull to the party 😂 🚗💨 #GoLilBooty #GoBigLexi #GoLilStacy 16,078 861,245
M7HxOF6IIa1 Caught ha ass digging in her nose 😂😂😂😂 14,808 201,447
OaMAAIzDnO3 When she throw it back harder than expected 😂 14,327 1,059,231
OpYr0Wunp3v When that income tax check hit at midnight😂😂😂😂 #gobiglexi #GoLilStacy 😂😂😂 11,673 769,419
hFZzu5HW2mH 😂😂😂😂 11,395 82,177
eZhIqePn1Kt Fuck it up 😂😂 9,714 343,370
OTz5DHMOZiv How bitches turn up in the back seat. 😂😂😂😂 #GoLilStacy 😂😂 8,742 1,090,003
MUKwOFQj2wJ Whistle while you twerk pt 1. 😂😂😂😂 #gobiglexi 😂😂😂 8,541 443,793
OaqBIYvIrYl Ever since I moved to Louisiana, I been loving this vine 😂 "thottie" by: SummerXJada #GoLilBooty 8,364 534,208
h2I5Kv6wOVt Trampoline booty 😂😂😂😂 #gobiglexi 8,293 65,998
MUKHHBD7wrL Whistle while you twerk pt 2. 😂😂😂😂 #GoLilStacy 😂😂 8,196 400,914
MXYTDPQQZgp For all the haters out there. 😂😂😂😂💯💯 7,959 368,492
MtqE0bljnY0 Tear dat ass up!! 😂😂😂😂 #GoLilStacy 7,817 349,401
OW0piAxuFPB When the unexpected freak come finally come out in your girl 😳👀 #tearthatassup #GoLilBooty 7,463 495,965