
Chloë Emanuelle

Chloë Emanuelle


画像 投稿 いいね数 総再生回数
MatL3lIA3Fm How it feels when you find out your crush is dating someone... #BBOV 85,811 292,617
eWzYT5awwOv Big boob problems #NoTurtlenecks 38,349 1,930,032
eBM2rZYdrjJ What I want to say to girls who won't text guys first 32,038 1,571,266
OZtelmwaQqP Hey Yall meet babe 19,145 1,096,940
ezOBOm5dYw6 Have y'all tried this new diet yet? 16,135 921,804
ee1ZMYHOpdO Denial isn't just a river in Egypt 16,019 1,022,147
OlJYbV3LQ9M Mention the T word and guys turn you into a shallow monster #onlywantonething 15,500 1,098,521
hLdgeU5XbZF It is NEVER okay to be a bully, especially to a child. Imagine how you would feel if someone talked to you like that. #ThinkBeforeYouType 14,111 86,524
eqap7aOlh6O Questionable female logic 13,946 981,599
OY3QVMUqOjd What you want to say to your best friend's new boyfriend #possibleremake #dullestbutterknife 10,926 614,233
eZLu0UBFu9e Parenting in 2015 9,001 702,797
ezXhnzHhAY2 When someone asks to play with your natural hair 7,627 741,585
eiaV9ZPP6M1 Me @ every guy #yourewelcome 6,143 412,484
eKaiZ6quE9A There's a story behind every Instagram caption #MinorDetails 5,855 643,160
evAJ6XVYThw When you realize why you're single 5,718 303,161
OYMFZTxuIYE Rare footage of a crazy ex girlfriend scaring away her replacement 💏🙅 #Hugged6WeeksAgo (song: Creep by Radiohead) 5,008 467,981
eW3UEYiUete When someone tells you they aren't looking for anything serious but you weren't even asking #OkCoolSame 4,793 493,773
OV0uWbjJX92 Brown eyed problems #ISwearTheresGreenInThere 4,687 304,255
MqIpWW7ILdW When you're eating candy and it's way more sour than you expected. (This literally just happened) #LNV #sourpatch 4,364 122,855
O0FQJOQxa3u If the creators of Little Einsteins could have predicted the future... 3,996 432,884