
Rosie Pig

Rosie Pig


画像 投稿 いいね数 総再生回数
b0BzIJMqxde Pour Some Sugar On Me. (I'm completely fine, you guys.) 591,500 22,416,989
O7E2TMi51qj It's moving day. 283,911 17,079,271
h0J6gnUQKVQ Pretty Hurts. #cute 83,291 2,758,228
hqqpph6Hvb0 Transformation Tuesday. 41,743 17,637,863
hxhMnaaLM2Q I won Best Smile in high school. 35,316 1,770,262
blg9ta6BxMa #Howto make #rosiepig super honk via ear scratches! 26,902 86,675
hLdBDqFbJbZ Oh Jennifer Lawrence, how did you sit up in this dress? 25,801 254,262
M1L26teMjp2 Back up, B! #HappyEaster 21,328 1,255,762
hQDmga09vUI I've got Betty Davis eyes. 17,332 226,221
haMBuiqh0F5 There's a new sheriff in town. 14,792 56,883
hPZhLLHnia3 Rosie Pig: 1. Turkey: 0. 14,615 144,294
OXMOztdZ5iQ *jingles a little of the way* 13,235 622,048
MhjJLlOjwu3 Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy. 12,601 315,837
hxE96ivzBxP Scamperin' in a winter wonder land! 12,579 125,910
MmY1ptYYAh3 Back to basics. 10,223 196,159
hIgKTEQW0Om Rosie isn't alway a sweetheart. 9,850 113,837
hjeiqezBHtj Thank you, Steven Romo at KJRH Tulsa for my first big interview. Go to my Facebook fan page (Rosie Pig) to see the video! 9,768 99,805
bL0l1Xl7AKb 8,468 43,879
M6eWJXEw9gx There's a tiny piece of chicken in this box and I NEED IT. 8,345 503,756
h3zlQPBZtxq Working on my first New Years resolution to get more naps. #cute 8,190 109,288