
Chocolate Metaphor

Chocolate Metaphor


画像 投稿 いいね数 総再生回数
hiTMihxIwwD #RatchetGirlsBeLike voiceover - Monkey Version! #chocolatemetaphor 652,892 3,943,348
hIIKH1Tj9Y6 What's your favorite Popsicle flavor???? 🙇 395,134 1,753,099
hTlgwDDdLFx That friend that argues with his family when you're around.... 330,026 888,853
hXLXX9lMlBt Animal Voiceover - "That was Jake from Statefarm" #ChocolateMetaphor 264,763 893,395
hlrevwMeBHA YOU DESERVE ROUNDS!!! #Ranked #ChocolateMetaphor 261,045 1,378,484
hUY5gY0zr1A Sharkeisha had me like... #ChocolateMetaphor @KevinHart4Real 257,149 1,109,801
Mu6HQDhP5rU How I feel during Monday classes.... #Zombie #Ranked 254,049 1,159,609
MWphEUHA1it Changing the date on your homework so it doesn't look like you did it last minute 😂😂 #ranked 206,849 1,728,977
hdnPKELhzFM Animal VoiceOver "Was You Cheating??" #Chocolatemetaphor #VoiceOver 206,017 482,801
hrrizI6nZY2 Dearth Vader is NOT the father 🎉🎉 #Maury #chocolatemetaphor 180,368 719,633
OIQVQ6h96bg Nemo don't do it... 😂😂#chocolatemetaphor #omgmovement 172,249 9,045,307
hA6zw7D7arZ Kevin Hart unhappy about this little girls saying the N word! 😂 #chocolatemetaphor #revine 145,483 276,553
h1HPZxWZMpJ Football voiceover! 😂😂 #chocolatemetaphor (Keep liking and ill do more) 109,518 509,457
OAjgTtEYEnH On stage with my boy SAM SMITH 😂😂😂 Headgraphix™ #Remake 104,863 5,551,876
h5zwgg0Wu3H Monkey Voiceovers (Part. 2) "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA" #chocolatemetaphor 88,462 187,835
MPejUUDH2a7 Frozen voiceover: "Do I have to wear a condom" #PullOutGameStrong 87,841 4,246,643
M29rjK3iutt Holding my pee like 💃💃 #SchmoneyDance 87,239 4,048,799
eAEKIVxatvH Taking your contacts out before finding your glasses 😭😭😩 85,379 3,954,731
Mtrd9dVQupm "Are you upset" 😂😂😂😂 77,134 2,554,020
hjP33wVxOdp When thugs try to act tough... #ImGoodAtRockPaperScissors 😂😂 75,192 102,651