
Troye Sivan

Troye Sivan


画像 投稿 いいね数 総再生回数
MJLZlD25nO1 Me all the time. I can't help it 110,738 3,047,627
Mq15Jqx7K6e I wonder... 85,697 1,792,571
hi7zWQEOOjY This guy is really feeling what Joseph Gordon Levitt has to say 83,146 553,643
Ma9EKttmLiA Hey guys, what's the lowest note you can sing??? @ConnorFranta @tyleroakley 81,300 1,440,708
MDXZuKnzHMI .Tyler Oakley found a broom-like stick and thinks he is Cinderella 74,322 2,109,682
Mdw7hJPZbjU Give me them fries 74,159 2,207,523
MqeTmEbBMqr Clap along if you know what happiness is to you! 69,190 672,367
MarQDbhwZuh Me in the club 69,147 855,275
Mipn932qwKU what is happening Tyler Oakley 67,823 1,803,927
MDXZxDmJzX3 ?????? Tyler Oakley 66,131 1,959,545
M1dTAtj020j School fights 60,782 1,191,405
bxKmpBdUmW2 Damn look at them fairy lights 49,624 400,373
MrXeQVHALqx Hello Tyler Oakley 49,608 1,959,650
MUnjrddLZph me 47,327 1,564,899
OuIFbjZTtib learning your own song on piano like 46,728 1,678,395
MIUdIMaWgJ7 I'm very into the backstreet boys and subway cookies 46,624 1,889,973
OKv7Kv5qUBn Just woke up singing in the bath looks 43,576 1,537,173
MJLZ9P61q9M Being all like 'Babe, we need to talk...' and then 34,257 911,557
MTFq9nrjZPr Throwback to me tormenting ThatcherJoe in Italy 34,111 1,314,813
OTKAHXQeunz Let me sit this ass 33,149 1,414,638