
Brian BlackA$$

Brian BlackA$$


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eBunF6vqrHa When you're parents don't want want to tell you what you did wrong...... 😡😡😳😳#WhatTFDidIDo 200,166 7,984,334
ObnnLLTLrQn When your Ex randomly texts you "I miss you 😞😞😣😣😭😭💔💔" (Credit: AspectZavi) 😂😂😂😂 #boyifyoudontget #SuckMyAss #YouMissMeWithTheBullshit 174,586 14,906,482
MZeLgzePVq9 That awkward moment when ya friend is arguing with his parents.....(pt2) #lol #wtf #shitgotreal #comedy #funny #MadOrNaw 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 153,054 2,081,643
MO7tWdhrgLP SCARRED FOR LIFE!!!!!! #remake #awkward #wtf #lol #funny #lmao #whotfareyou #whymommawhy #smh #thatfacetho #TeamBlackBando 😳😳😳😧😧😧😧😵😵😵😵 111,064 2,127,388
MAIlQOiKvu6 That awkward moment when ya friend is arguing with his girlfriend.......#lol #comedy #lmao #wtf #awkward 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😮😮😮😮😮😮#TeamBlackBando 106,383 1,644,134
MtDAwbWVqd3 Hey Ma can I go to the pool......🏊🏊🏊🏄🏊🏊😑😑😑😑😒😒😒🚿🚿🚿🛀🛀🛀🛁 #lol #wtf #smh #NoFreedom #Ghetto #lmao #NotFunny #Comedy 80,854 3,445,583
OUDMvQ55q3p When you spend the night over your side chicks house and you meet her child for the first time. 👀😳👶👶 #ImNotYourDad #LAQUITAAA #GetYaAnimal 65,458 3,501,192
MFP92UzjMPu How a nigga scope out his opponent before Joanin on his ass 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥 #TargetLocked #FromHeadToToe #ISeeYourFlawNigga #NowImmaEngage #deletos 58,220 4,356,101
OxnVddinuad When you gotta babysit your lil brother.😒 #MyParentsSetMeUp #YouDone #INeedToUseTheBathroom #ImWorriedForYou #TakeYourConcertElsewhere #smh 53,008 3,171,245
MQePTtJgFgi When ya mom call you to dance and you don't wanna dance. 😂😂😂😂😂 #ThatsYaHusbandsJob #Damn #lol #lmao #funny #RemakeButIMayBeWrong 52,023 2,716,337
O3mwMm5thjB How BET Movie usually start.... 🚨🚨🚨🚔🚔🚔🏃💨🏃💨🏃💨(IB: Mr_Unpopular) 51,241 2,545,367
MlTLXVJV9z1 When you see a nigga that you want to roast sooooo bad but you catch yourself.... #NiggaYouAreAnEasyTarget #boyifyoudontget #SpareYaLife👀😂😂 43,947 2,175,479
OxwJJd0b6VE That moment when that person that wants to fight you decides to FaceTime you...😑😑 #YouMustBePlayin #YouKnowWhereILive #JeffersonAndBushwick 43,369 2,633,449
OPFbB1eThJD Taking the bae out for Valentine's Day!!! 🍟🍟🍟🍔🍔🍔😍😍😍😘😘 #BeGratefulITookYouOut #STOPBITCHIN #FinishYourFoodDammir 43,039 1,866,112
O3ZnvLlVWUJ How BET Movie usually start.... 🚨🚨🚨🚔🚔🚔🏃💨🏃💨🏃💨(IB: Mr_Unpopular) 39,305 1,915,684
ez7uWdJ2Kdw When you gotta share the room with your younger brother..... 😴😴👀👀💃💃💃😒😒😡😡 #YOOOOWTFISYOURPROBLEM#ICOULDNEVERSLEEPINPEACE #TakeThatShitOutside 35,191 1,441,489
e5r2jpKmaDx I gotta get the fuck out this neighborhood..... 👀👀😒😑#IDontWantYallMixtape #ShouldYallBeInSchool #CanYallBackUp #InTrynaPullOutMyDriveway 34,192 8,891,875
OlAgApJMrYA There's always them two uncles at cookouts that feel the need to compete in a dance (w/ JAY VERSACE) #Smh #SitYallOldAssesDown 33,685 1,757,160
OD2grd7Oh2w When bae text some shit that don't even make sense and you get mad AF instantly.📲📲😡😡 #BISHWHAT #ItsCool #ThisParagraphBoutaFuckYoWholeLifeUp 30,753 2,222,334
O1YPMd76zQj When you gotta babysit your Neighbor's bad ass lil kid. (Pt.2) 👀👀😑#SorryToDisturbYouLayshawn #WTFIsWrongWithLilBoy #ImNotEvenGonTellHisMama 29,165 1,379,757