
Damon Christopher

Damon Christopher


画像 投稿 いいね数 総再生回数
OKxwI7qUPgX Ratchet girls in class be like.. 😩😂👏 #DamonGang 63,095 2,479,483
Mg2MWUXOlux When the teacher call on you and you didn't volunteer 😒😒 #DamonGang 44,890 1,117,510
OWWbqYLzUKb If Google was this easy 😩🙌😂 remake from MeechOnMars #DamonGang 40,707 1,661,619
M3I2JTOB2e7 How conversations with my parents normally go.. 😭😂 #DamonGang 40,271 1,452,789
O3AjlvJTZLe When girls see their friend in public with their new bae 😩😭😂 39,723 1,480,269
OUEwjtQBKtQ 😂 39,496 1,545,551
Oj3QT6Y59n0 Ladies, right or wrong? Lmao 😂 34,020 1,402,788
O0eXJ5ZDWzU Everybody got that one friend that do this when they sleep over 😂😂 33,985 1,421,980
OI1iee7V526 It's impossible to end a convo with your girl without her getting an attitude 😂😂 #DamonGang 32,860 1,285,911
OeTxJgvdwXM When people join and want to sing along to a song you're singing 😂😂😂 32,131 1,464,031
M3K6wxPYY2D Everytime I'm home alone this is what i do.. And i pretend its a concert.. 😂😂😂😂😂 29,769 1,382,124
OxmnDllLze1 😒 29,090 1,006,902
eZBJd2MAxxF Girls be peeping little shit like this 😂😂😂 28,001 2,266,590
Oa6r1ziY6z6 This happens Everytime I go to my friend'a house 😂 27,459 1,083,864
Oja7lVnKP3I 😩😂 25,631 1,225,584
MEAX7bbvg3u #ChildhoodMemories when your mom made you mad 😂 (inspired by: joshthemenace) 24,855 821,751
MUVrP7YiDF7 #ChildHoodMemories hoping your siblings confess because you don't wanna be a snitch 😩😭 #DamonGang 24,362 922,370
MPzdjuFEJI5 When you thought your parents would help 😒😂😭 #DamonGang 23,688 853,538
OJ5e5wH0XUU Why people always gotta assume something is wrong 😒😂 #DamonGang 22,797 718,421
OujmWLIhIm7 In class like.. 22,386 834,925